Patrick Teed is a PhD Candidate in the Social and Political Thought Programme at York University.
Broadly speaking, his research projects cohere around: abolitionist theory and praxis; critical historiographies of racial slavery; anti-Blackness and settler-colonialism; and science and technology studies. He has publications available or forthcoming with: differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Rhizomes, CR: New Centennial Review, TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, Lateral, and Cultural Studies.
His research has been generously supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and York University.
Outside of the academy, Patrick is an emerging actor, musician, and playwright. He has developed plays including Uninvited Guests and It’s a Beautiful Day for Brunch and to Arrest the Cops That Killed Breonna Taylor with Afterlife Theatre, a company he founded with his collaborator Carly Billings. His art has been funded by the Ontario Arts Council.
Patrick lives in Toronto, Ontario his partner and his two cats, Marge and Lucille Bald.